
I told you once that that life only gives to take, and if it gives you something grand, then that is only because it intends on taking something in equal grandness. I remember you disagreeing, as if I was your case against the world in that belief. I remember the way you used to talk about forever as if it was your own mother; the safety of it that you strongly believe in. How was I to tell you that even with our swords held high, there is no guarantee that we shall win every war? That even if the love is real, we can never control the circumstances?
So here comes today, the distance you swore you'd never keep between us. The swords are still high, but this time we stand on opposite ends. God knows I'd drop my sword and cross the distance if only I knew you wanted me to win this war.
So as I stand alone, terrified of what tomorrow might bring, I walk the streets we used to take. Under that streetlight where we said our goodbyes, I stand. I look up and see that flickering streetlight and I hope, I hope that it's you thinking of me, too.


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