Beginnings—Maram M.B

       The accurate definition of a beginning is “the point in time or space at which something begins.” Being born in this life is the start of it all, taking your first steps as a child is the start of something that everyone gets excited for. We all remember our first day of school; where we had our own lunch box for the first time, and how we caught someone smiling back at us. At then, we realized that that’s the start of a friendship that could last our whole life.
       It all started when you sat in a classroom and raised your hand for the first time, and spoke for yourself without having your parents by your side. It counts as the start of something; when you introduced yourself as a child, and then time flies to reach a point where you realize that you are growing up so fast that you are currently facing the challenge of who you are supposed to be, and what you should and shouldn't do. You stumble upon people who always bring you down for speaking up, and it somehow happens to affect you.
       We all had that for the first time; we speak about the things we believe in… but eventually we develop, change, figure ourselves out, stand up for ourselves, and with a blink of an eye, it’s not a beginning  anymore. It gradually becomes something that we have to do to survive this life.
       Each step we take, each word we say affects us…it could be the start of something while we don’t even know it. When you get your first job, when you go to college, and when you have your first child. It’s all a beginning that makes us have a lot of emotions. We feel weird, different, and scared to take new steps. But eventually, it works out somehow. Humans tend to learn how to get used to what they have, and learn how to adapt to it, learn from it, and maybe change it.
       When people look for opportunities, they first tend to feel driven, passionate, and hungry to reach the climax of this opportunity. Sometimes, they have to give up a lot of things, but man, that satisfying ending you get!
      Lay down look at how the sky is bigger than all of us; compare yourself to a shooting star and how they all drift apart but leave a trail behind. Look for a starting point, look for beginnings no matter what the circumstances are, and be honored to leave your name out there. If we didn’t experience tragedies, we wouldn’t know how new beginnings feel like. If we didn’t have a beginning, we wouldn’t have an ending; it depends on our choices at the end.


  1. Such a great piece! I loved it and i loved the usage of complex words. You can really tell that the writer has incredible potential.


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