
They told me to believe in happy endings.
They told me to believe that things will get better.
They told me to believe that I can be happy again.
But I can't.
You left me in a place of rage and confusion.
You left me stranded and alone.
You left me.
How could I ever believe in a happy ending for me, when there is no happy without you?
How can I believe that my life can get better when you ARE my life?
How could you?
How could you leave me like this?
How could you leave me without saying goodbye?
Was I not enough for you?
Did I not deserve a goodbye?
My life won't ever get better.
I won't ever be happy again.
Not without you.
You're gone.
You're never coming back.
Does anyone get that on any level?
They say time heals all wounds,
But it cannot bring people back from the dead.
I don't think I believe in anything anymore,
I don't believe it could get better for me.
I don't believe that I will ever be happy,
Then again, I never really believed in happy endings anyways.


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