
The two of us were made for each other, literally. We're broken pieces of the past united by will and acceptance. We didn't need anyone else to help bring us as a whole we only needed to look for the pieces we've lost in each other. We were young and innocent with hearts of pure see-through glass. We'd roll on the fresh green grass and watch the stars on our favorite hill at night, the one that had the tree we used to climb when we were younger. We'd spend all day traveling by car from a place to another. And at just those moments everything seemed perfect. We were crossing cities by car in a rough weather and my hands left the wheel for a moment to light a cigarette, it's funny how she always said it'll leave me breathless but I just keep smiling. We drove for what seemed like hours until we reached a narrow bridge cutting the sea in half. I accidentally zoned out then came back again and my eyes went to check on her almost involuntarily. A sort of fear made it's way through my veins as I saw her as white as a ghost as silent as the dead with a look in her eyes that I couldn't quite figure out. I take a quick glance at the road and realized what was happening, quickly I try to turn back the wheel but it was too late, we've already broken off the bridge and were crashing straight into chaos of unforgivable waves. I try unplugging my seatbelt and getting off my seat fast to save her but notice that she already did unplug mine before she even did hers. I look at her with pure fear as I catch a glimpse of a heavenly smile as she touches my cheek with her hands, as the water dives in as we realize we're starting to drown. She breaks the window with something in her hand or was it her hand itself, she pushes me out in seconds as I try to go back and save her but the more I swim down the more I end up surfacing and the deeper the car sinks. I suddenly wake up and look around me, I'm on the hard concrete with lights torturing my eyes and shadows swaying from here to there, I choke and start coughing trying to get up on my feet. I look for her scream her name cry out for all the hope in the world that I'd find her but I didn't, I couldn't save her. I didn't save her, she died because of me. I stood crying at the edge of the broken bridge for what felt like a long time that hoarse sounds broke out of my lungs. Someone came and lent me a cigarette claiming it'll save me some breath and I stare blankly at it for a long moment and whisper: "I kept smiling every time because it wasn't the cigarette that would leave me breathless, it was you."


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