
They took me into a room of white, the only thing that broke the brightness were figures as dark and motionless as stone. Their faces bared no feelings, their lips didn't make a sound. I had so many questions to ask so I start heading towards a face that seems familiar. "Hello, is everything okay?" And my only response was a slow stare from the ground, going to my feet, legs, chest and ended up poring into my eyes. As I stare back I see nothing but the hollowness of a cave inside its black pupils. I staggered back and looked for another familiar face I could calm myself with. Suddenly, something grabs me by the wrist and pulls me into the depth of it. A squeal is all I could get out as it devours me to a hollow space within, then I stop panicking and listen to a sound like a deep sweep of a violin, a sound that seems to reach out for me, for hope and help that I could not give. "What's wrong?" I ask, but the voice only gets louder so I try to untangle myself free from the pleading creature and walk away. I felt hopeless as I walked from a place to another looking for explanations but no answer came my way. Then I hear my name whispered through the chaos of black and white so I followed it as the faces that once were looking down rise to meet me. When I finally reach my caller I started to realize who she is, a tingle of fear and coldness were making their way up my sleeve so I dared to ask one more question. "Where are they?". She gave me a full minute to catch my breath and calm myself then said:
"Nobody stays forever
And what is gone is gone,
It's a matter of time together
Until what god wants is done"


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