Scream―Aron M.

Nobody listens. Nobody cares. And nobody understands. Years of pain and suffering have plagued my memory. I'm constantly screaming and crying for help, yet my voice still goes unheard. Tormented by the ghost of my past, tortured by my excruciating childhood. I am a pain magnet, I attract the worst of the worst into my life. You'd think I would've learned by now, but I didn't. I can't stop myself. I used to wake up every morning terrified of what the day will bring on, of where I'd see you haunting me next. But now I'm used to seeing you in everyone and everything. My life is a constant series of fake smiles and forced laughs in order to convince you that I'm okay. I'M OKAY! I'm fine. I'M FINE! I can be very good at convincing you I'm okay, you didn't even know I was crying myself to sleep every night. I'm so very far from fine. I'm screaming. Can't you hear me? Do you not hear my screams? How can you not hear me screaming? It's so loud in my head. I'm dying inside, slowly but surely deteriorating. But I'm not alone, those with quiet minds can't hear my screams, but those with minds that scream and cry can hear me loud and clear. I can hear them too. I know of their suffering. I can hear them. I can hear you. You're not alone. I can hear you. Who took your shining star away from you? Who has stolen your wide smile? Who has broken you? I know. I know your broken because I CAN HEAR YOU. Loud and clear. I can hear you. You will get through this, as shall I. All of us with our screaming minds, we will scream loud enough so that the whole world will hear us. Are your minds screaming too? Join us. Let the world hear you scream. If no one around you can hear you, join us. Don't let their quiet minds shut your loud mind up. Don't give in to quiet temptation. I'm talking to you, all of you. All the loud minds and the fake smiles and the night cries and all of the unheard voices, scream.


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