
He was about to leave her when she choked the remaining words out of her sore throat:
“Lie to me, give me any false hope to hold on to. Tell me that you’ll always..”
“I’m sorry” he walked out without turning back.
This time she didn’t look for a seed of hope in the seas of dead flowers, she didn’t stay until dawn looking for the faint arrays of the sun shine knowing that she hadn’t seen it for years. Instead, she silenced her innocent soul and locked herself up in the most dreadful part of her, lit some fire and only gazed as it attacked everything it touched. Someone from the outside, an old friend it seems, sensed the danger within her walls. He broke down the front door as furious black smoke stretched right towards him. He ducked running to the source, he screamed her name, he looked for her in every room until he finally arrived at a locked door. On the other side, she had crumbled up in the corner and started feeling the numbness of everything and nothing at the same time. He pleaded for her to open up and to let him in.
“Please, I know you’ve been hurt so much in the past, but give me a chance and I’ll make it worth it as it will always last.”
But she had turned dark. The veins in her arms turned as gray as a colorless photo, she’d had enough of hope and faith, she only wanted to end them and just getaway but he kept on trying to break in, to wreck those walls keeping her in. She couldn’t handle it, she banged her head against the wall, she held so tight to herself that dark red marks started to appear on her cloths. She squeezed her eyes shut until her head started to throb, she wanted him to stop and leave her be but she sensed a hint of something deep inside her wanting him to save her at least just this one time, to lend her glimpses of hope just this only time. She felt the smoke swirl like a tornado inside her head and she started grinding her teeth together as hard as she could. And when there was nothing left to keep the voice in and the pain, the confusion, the fear away.
She screamed.
And reached for the door.


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