Scream―Dana Alh

A void in my chest brings me so much misery –

A feeling that only a scream could heal.

A scream is no more than a loud voice coming out of you –

to fill you.

When words fail and cries no longer feel useful, scream.

A scream, comes out as a sound so loud.

A scream, is a collection of emotions and words that are hidden

too deep within.

To let out a scream is to rid thyself

of all tension

of all sorrow

of all fear

and of all hatred.

To let out a scream is to allow thyself

to find serenity

to find happiness

to find peace

and to find love


To scream is to fill the void in your chest

and to be back at rest

to be the person you have always been

except now with greater maturity, and undefeated.

To scream, is to renew your strength.


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